Structural Engineering

What we do.

Corbett Consulting produces detailed structural design drawings for small to large-scale buildings and industrial projects, along with structural design services for the renovation to existing buildings; using 2D and 3D computer software to provide safe and cost effective solutions.

Structural services

We deliver structural design and analysis for residential, commercial and industrial projects from concept to completion.
Other structural services we provide are:
  • New builds
  • Renovations/extensions/alteration to existing structures
  • Temporary works design
  • Foundation design (including rib-raft and pile)
  • Retaining wall design
  • Initial Seismic Assessment (ISA)
  • Detailed Seismic Assessments (DEE)
  • Seismic retrofit for earthquake-prone buildings
  • Earthquake damage assessments

Services we offer:

  • Structural Analysis and Design
  • Initial Seismic Assessments (ISAs)
  • Detailed Seismic Assessments (DSAs)
  • Seismic Strengthening
  • Structural Inspections and Reports
  • Construction Monitoring
  • Foundation Design
  • Retaining Wall Design
  • Site Inspections
  • Building Survey Reports
  • Safety Reports
  • Certificate of Acceptance Applications
  • Structural Supervision
  • Structural analysis and design

Structural assessments

Since the Canterbury Earthquake Sequences, Corbett Consulting has been in great demand for structural assessments of buildings all over Canterbury.

We are engaged by many home owners, buyers and sellers to fulfil insurance and banking needs by providing home and property assessment reports.

Specific Foundation design

This service is provided for TC1 properties only if the soil safe bearing capacity is less than 100Kpa (ultimate bearing capacity of 300Kpa).
For TC2/TC3, we can provide site-specific foundation design to suit your requirements

Shallow Soil investigation and reports

We provide soil testing alongside our structural engineering services, and can determine the soil conditions for your site, assisting you with your foundation design.

A shallow soil test report includes the following:
  • Scala penetrometer tests (DCP) to determine the soil bearing capacity down to 3 metres below ground level or until test refusal
  • Hand auger (HA) bore holes to determine the soil profile
  • Check the water table level
  • Estimate the soil bearing capacity
  • Foundation recommendations
  • Visual observation for any evidence of land damage e.g. liquefaction, lateral spreading, fissures etc.

Dunedin Structural Engineer

Corbett Consulting Ltd

Bruce Corbett

Structural Engineer
BSc, Dip Eng (Civil), CMEngNZ CPEng
Engineering New Zealand Official Member
SESOC – Structural Engineering Society New Zealand (Inc.)
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